The Flu At Work

Most people struggle into work despite being unwell. However with the flu, they may have been spreading the virus for days, without even realising it. A common illness with rapid infection rates, the flu is very difficult to prevent. The only proven prevention for the flu is to get a flu shot. A flu jab can reduce your likelihood of becoming sick with flu by up to 90%!

  • Each year, on average, up to 22% of staff become infected with flu.

  • Over 1.1 million working days are lost each year in Australia by people who develop the flu and need to take time off work to recover.

  • Once you have a flu outbreak at work it is difficult to protect staff. The flu spreads rapidly and infects even more staff!

  • Flu symptoms can persist for 7 days or more.

Workplace Health and Safety

  • Having flu can slow reaction times by 20-40%. That's comparable to the effect of alcohol consumption!

  • There is an increased risk of injury as flu-affected staff may continue to work.

  • Decrease productivity due to tiredness and exhaustion, may continue to affect employees long after they have returned to work.

A flu vaccination program at the workplace demonstrates an employer's investment in the health and well-being of their staff.